Blue Mountains businesses are adapting to the “new normal’’ by creatively embracing new business practices and digital technology.
Blue Mountains Tourism president Jason Cronshaw praised the ingenuity and flexibility of businesses, especially small enterprises.

Blue Mountains Tourism president Jason Cronshaw at Echo Point. Photo: David Hill, Deep Hill Media.
“The response has been fast and enthusiastic,’’ he said.
“Of course there’s been tears and tantrums as people are understandably upset to see their business and livelihood evaporate literally overnight as government restrictions come in that they weren’t prepared for and can’t control.
“But we’re so blessed to have a creative community that is pragmatic and innovative and steps up to a challenge.’’
“[But] we’re so blessed to have a creative community that is pragmatic and innovative and steps up to a challenge.” Jason Cronshaw – Blue Mountains Tourism
Many Blue Mountains businesses sell online vouchers to redeem when restrictions are lifted, encourage forward bookings and direct customers to online sales platforms.
Here are just some examples of how tourism and hospitality businesses in the Blue Mountains continue to operate under the strict new opening hours and social distancing regulations:
– CafeXpresso (Katoomba) station is one of numerous examples of fast food shops, cafes and restaurants offering takeaway food only.
– Blue Mountains Cultural Centre (Katoomba) has a Virtual InSight program featuring staff insights, tours of the space, art classes with local creatives, tutorials, recipes from the cafe and more. Details: BlueMountainsCulturalCentre Facebook page (a new page will be available on the website soon).
– Mount Vic & Me (Mt Victoria) takes online orders and posts a swag of quirky Australian Made items, including the Blue Mountains Socks range, tea towels and greeting cards. Details:
– Josophan’s Fine Chocolates (Leura) takes online store orders at and has a page of simple but indulgent recipes at
– Avalon Restaurant – Katoomba ( offers takeaway meals, along with most cafes in the Blue Mountains. Several such as the Ori Café & Bistro ( and Finn & Co ( at Springwood offer a home delivery service.
– GalleryONE88 Fine Arts – Katoomba (, Talisman Gallery – Hartley ( and other galleries have uploaded many photos of artwork to their website and social media and have restricted sales to those platforms or email.
– Blue Mountains Chocolate Company (Katoomba) serves takeaway food and drinks, with a home delivery service within a 20km radius of Katoomba. Details:
“New normal” for Blueys
#FantasticAussieTours #MtVictoria #tourism #MountVicampMe #JosophansFineChocolates #BlueMountains #coronavirus #BlueMountainsExplorerBus #newnormal #TalismanGallery #BlueMountainsChocolateCompany #AvalonRestaurant #Hartley #JasonCronshaw #CafeXpresso #Katoomba #GalleryONE88FineArts #COVID19 #BlueMountainsCulturalCentre #BlueMountainsAustralia #BlueMountainsTourism